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Weekend Round Up - 12th & 13th October 2024

Weekend Round Up - 12th & 13th October 2024

Victoria Boulton14 Oct - 21:00
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Mens 1s and Ladies 4s grab their first wins of the season, and the juniors took to their first 2024/25 tournament.

Saturday 12th October

Home fixtures

Mens 4s vs Rickmansworth 3 - 1-0 loss

Player: Kieron P

An all round positive display from the M4 only resulted in a 1-0 loss, from the visitors only visit into their “D” mid way through the second half.

The whole of the first half, the home side played the better hockey, on the front foot, passing in triangles past the older opposition. Only the lack of finishing cost the home side, Shane Bowden fixed the keeper into 2 fine saves, and penalty corners weren’t converted.

The second half was very similar to the first, but the home side’s possession improved as did the chances created, but weren’t converted.

An extremely disappointing result for the way the team performed, Man of the Match went to Kieron Purver

Thanks as always to the umpires that allowed us to play, KP and Daniela, making her men umpire debut.

Next up is Saffron Walden 7.

Ladies 2s vs Berko & Hemel 1 - 1-1 draw

Goal scorer: Becky
Assist: Gemma
Player: Ali
Donkey: Becky

After 3 wins, 3 clean sheets and sitting comfortably at the top of the East Women's 2 South West table, the ladies 2s were back at home for match 4 vs Berkhamsted and Hemel Hempstead (BHH).

It's been a big week off the pitch for the badgers as they secured a milestone number of followers on their Instagram account. Upon arrival to the badger den players were asked 'whats in ya bag?' by social media guru Iszatt for their game day reel. Despite their rise to fame, the team maintain that the hockey remains their number 1 priority in their quest for promotion.

The team are more than their social media presence and their early season dominance has brought increased pressure to perform. Not only are they 'hot gals', but have received many notable mentions on the fantasy podcast for being 'hot picks' for the managers. Furthermore, in the pre-match huddle, captain Leonard exclaimed that 'we are club big dogs now' and urged her team to get their heads in the game for another important match.

Unfortunately the beginning of the match saw the badgers under early pressure with the BHH team repeatedly penetrating the home team circle. Despite some fantastic saves by Hawthorne (best fantasy keeper at Broxbourne) and excellent defensive work by Sparrey, Deol and Wilkinson, the badgers suffered an early goal from a BHH short corner.

Wilkinson found herself stepping into the defensive line this week due to missing defenders Banahan and Thomas. The pair had reportedly booked a flight to Dublin after accruing a significant amount of money from the new fines system, where they were headed Banahans childhood home to dig out her '90s relaxed fit jeans' ahead of the busy 2nd team social calendar.

The team responded well to the BHH goal securing more possession of the ball and creating good attacking opportunities. Forward Boxall ran rings around the BHH defence winning a flurry of short corners where they were unlucky not to get the equaliser they deserved. Instead, the badgers found themselves facing a fast paced a counter attack after the unfortunate breakdown of the well practiced routine. A number of quick passes lead to the away side back in the badgers defensive circle and in what seemed a guaranteed scoring position. Keeper Hawthorne was beaten by the overload of attackers and, out of nowhere defender Deol came diving behind to make an outstanding goal line save keeping the half time score to 1-0.

The second half saw the badgers stepping up a gear with Scarrott and Evans carring the ball forwards with confidence and finding passes to forwards Boulton and Jennings. After a sustained period of Broxbourne attack, the ball landed in the possession of Iszatt who danced her way around the BHH defence and won a short corner for the badgers. A left slip by Wilkinson gave Scarrott the perfect ball to slide home for a well deserved equaliser for the team. Despite some fantastic play in the final 10 minutes and a number of close opportunities, the badgers were unable to convert again with the match finishing 1-1.

The Broxbourne Fantasy league's credibility has come under fire this week, as the second highest point scorer in the league Rebecca Scarrott has been at the centre of an alleged sabotage controversy. The defender has earned herself 49 points so far with a combination of clean sheets and her trade mark slide from the left slip position on short corners for the current top of the league ladies 2s. Scarrott had been selected by 67% of fantasy team coaches, making her success for the 2s less likely to have any impact on the top ten spots in the league table, a fact notably voiced by media team co-director Alice Brown during the live recording of the "who's hot and who's not " section of the Fantasy League Podcast. It appears Scarrott's NCT group night out on Friday had been infiltrated by a Fantasy league mole, trying to drive down percentages on Scarrotts picks and actively encourage participants to transfer the defender out of their weeks selection. Scarrott remembers being encouraged to drink wine with a straw and being slipped a free entry to Cinnabar in Hertford by a suspicious posh voiced new addition to the NCT group, who she has no recollection of appearing at the afternoon baby sensory class. Footage of Scarrott in a dazed state managed to find its way suspiciously quickly to Broxbourne Media channels via an IP address linked to an expensive 2 floor flat in the Finsbury Park area. Rumours of vomit on the floor in Scarrott's property in Ware, allegedly leaked by ex- Broxbourne stalwart Ben Scarrott made its way directly to the Fantasy League live blog which saw an unusual spike of activity between 10pm and 11.30pm. Alice Brown has refused to comment on her whereabouts between the hours of 8pm and 10.30pm the night in question but Brown notable chose to triple point Scarrott as captain minutes before the 9am deadline and had submitted 12 video posts documenting Scarrott's demise as the fateful NCT night progressed. So called Father of Fantasy Jack Price noted Brown's "Hamstrings United" embarassingly poor performance lying in 26th position after a poor decision to captain youngster Fin Wilkinson early on in the competition, in addition to her confusion regarding the performances of the ladies 4s so far in the league.

Scarrott won a unanimous donkey vote for the second week running. Deol won player of the match in her first appearance for the team since week 1 of the season. The super defender and Range Rover Mom is reported to have been busy recording for the latest series of 'House Wives of Broxbourne' set to air later this year.

The badgers are back on the road next week and are looking forward to the excellent parking facilities, clubhouse and teas of Blueharts where they hope to go back to their winning ways.

Mens 2s vs Shefford & Sandy 1 - 1-0 win

Goal scorer: Jack
Assist: Will
Player: Simon
Donkey: Ruddy & Joe

Who needs a captain anyway?

The 2s this week were struggling for numbers for their game against Shefford and Sandy, Lance and Keegan out injured, Joe stepping up to play in the 1s, and Browny taking some annual leave. To top it all off captain Kav was also away for the first of his two-week absence, leaving Jack in charge of the initial ten available.

Simon was called up in goal, with Bobby and Jake being called upon outfield to make a squad of thirteen.

The 2s had a strong start to the day when five members were over ten minutes late for the meet and Ruddy played some questionable music to get the 2s pumped up for the showdown. This was a familiar theme to the game as well. Although there were some nice passed around the back the 2s struggled to create any meaningful chances in the first half and got caught on the counter a few times only to be relieved of their blushes by some good saves from Simon. The only notable chance for the 2s saw Jack hit a nice ball into Baller who rounded a defender to put himself 1-on-1 with the keeper. However, the reverse hit shot was mis queued looping into the air and over the goal.

Half time saw a slight tactical change with Ruddy taking himself off for ‘five minutes’ to cool off, putting Sully as a makeshift right back. Taking the plan to stretch the pitch more saw the play improved, having more of the ball and getting further up the pitch. Unfortunately turning this play into chances was still a struggle for the team. Baller made a brilliant run down the left-hand side of the pitch driving into the D, so impressed with himself, he didn’t want the move to end and ran straight off the pitch. Now halfway through the second half Ruddy finally decided he was well rested enough to return to the game, some five minutes that was. The good play continued. Sully played a lovely ball across the pitch to the marauding, revitalised right back Ruddy. Sadly the ball was too much of a stretch for the young DJ as he was unable to control it. Maybe another five minutes would’ve done the trick. The 2s soon had their first short corner of the game, a Baller drag flick was saved but fell to the feet of Kav Jnr and after a bit of chaos in the D he manged to get a shot away, unlucky not to score from it. Our second short corner followed not long after. With the clock ticking they tried something new. Enter centre stage Jack. With the pressure to perform on his debut as skipper the ball was slipped left to him. A thunderous slap to the back post was too quick for the defenders and the sweet sound of the backboard was heard to the delight of the team.

The remaining minutes of the game were tense as Brox tried to hold on to their lead and Shefford tried to get back into the match. There was some good defending to keep the opposition out, but the most notable highlight was Ruddy falling over on to his back to all but confirm the award for DoD.

Ladies 4s vs Rickmansworth 2 - 3-2 win

Goal scorers: Jo A, Ella T & Frankie
Assists: Roisin DS & Frankie
Player: Ella T
Donkey: Frankie

A bit of drizzle before and after the game!

The fourth game of the season for the 4s was against Rickmansworth 2s but before the match day had even begun, donkey was awarded to Frankie for misinterpreting/selectively reading the home match information sent by Capt Lisa and had to double check that the match was away… D’oh! ?

With a few returning players to contend with, the 4s had a shaky start trying to establish the new formation and playing styles, not to mention the driving rain for the first 20 minutes! Rickmansworth did well to keep the home side pinned in their 23 for most of the first half, even with only 10 players (not common knowledge until half time!). Some great saves from step in GK Lily kept Brox in the match.

There were a few counter attacks by the home side but sadly, the finishing passes couldn’t find their targets and Brox had to rebuild on a number of occasions. This definitely tested the team’s fitness - thank goodness we had 15 players this week! Coach Matt will be pleased to hear that following the tactics session at training, the press worked well and the midfield worked hard to help bolster the defence and provide passing options for the forwards.

A few minutes before half time, Brox pressed again for another attack, refusing to give up. A quick pass from Ella in midfield found Frankie, who turned and made a burst forward and aimed a pass for the p spot. The ball was quickly collected by Jo who took a second to gain composure before deftly flicking past the keeper into the bottom right corner. 1-0 Brox.

Half time arrived in a flash and with errors identified, talks began of the plan for the second half along with reminders from Capt Lisa about our training and tactics.

However, it wasn’t long before the opposition pressed hard and Brox found themselves pinned into their own circle once again for a prolonged period. The defence survived some short corners and worked hard to clear the ball at the first opportunity. A Rickmansworth striker played a very bobbly ball into the smallest gap on the line and levelled the game - 1-1.

Determined not to let this affect the game, the 4s sent wave after wave of attacking plays towards the away teams goal. Again, there were lots of near misses but a notable mention goes to Jess who made a run to top d and produced a lovely strike, which just went the wrong side of the left post - So close!

After another clearance from the Brox defence, Elinor had an excellent run down the right wing run, evading at least 2 tired defenders, and shot the ball into the circle from a tight angle. The ball ricocheted off a defenders foot and spun along the goal line. Frankie gave the ball a final nudge (only a few centimetres) for the ball to officially cross the line. 2-1 and the 4s were back on top.

The home side applied continued pressure, intercepting from the press and raining attacks on the opposition’s circle, but their defence held strong. Brox knew they had to be patient and the goal would eventually arrive. The 4s didn’t have to wait long - an intercept from Roisin allowed for a square pass to Ella who was waiting in a pocket of space at the top of the D. A brief step into the circle, and with a pinpoint strike, Ella found the bottom left corner. 3-1 Broxbourne!

The back and forth nature of the game was starting to tell and with tired legs, Rickmansworth pressed Broxbourne further for the final few minutes and unfortunately managed to claw another bobbly goal back. The ball just eluded the end of GK Lily’s stick much to the frustration and disappointment of the 4s. The final whistle blew and although there were some confused comments over the score, the umpires clarified the goals and eventually hands were shaken with smiles all round.

On reflection, it definitely could’ve been an easier game, but the effort was 100% there from all players. There is lots to work on for the next match, especially tweaking the finer details of the press and working on linking play between sections but all players should be proud of the grit that was shown to get the win. Big thanks to our umpires Baz and Michele, from the 4s and the oppo!

Player went to Ella for her great work in midfield and the fabulous goal. Although the lemon drizzle cake was appreciated by the players at teas, Frankie still ended up with donkey and had to write the match report. (Note to self: bribery doesn’t work!)

This week the 4s face mid table Harpenden. After a dreary start to the season, the 4s comeback is on so watch this space!

Mens 3s vs Letchworth 3 - 5-0 win

Goal scorers: KP x3, Elliott & Hayden
Assists: Thomas x1, Wyatt x1, Harrison x1, Elliott x1
Player: KP
Donkey: Hayden

Brox 3s return to badgerfield with Young Guns

Match week 4 saw a few new junior faces making appearances, Finn and Elliott F, as well as a returning outfield Legend Fresh.

Brox started the game with a spark of fire with early pressure being applied to letchworth defense, with shots being wasteful in the first 10 mins.

To break the dead lock we needed the level head, dodgy legged Hayden Adams to find the backboard, unsure if it was H magic or luck, but never the less fine finish from the veteran, saw a solid team take flight.
Letchworth found themselves finding no luck in picking the lock of a solid defense, with Thomas, Russ, elliot B and Andy c martialling matters, leaving a returning Super Si with nothing to do but observe.

Moments later brox Found themselves in the opposing D again, a ball played perfectly from a debuting Elliot found KP with space and tine to spin and turn goal bound. Leading brox into half time on a high!!

After a moment of taking on water, and Brownies (a staple to succes) brox come flying out of the box, with the young guns dominating proceedings in the middle. Quick thinking lead from Russ to play a ball back to Thomas, who then placed a perfectly slapped pass into the D, on the end of this KP found his initial shot blocked by the Lethchworth keeper, only to get the rebound.

Pressure was mounting on letchworth to find a way back in, but the midfield and defence stood firm, mopping up loose passes and playing champagne hockey at a very intense pace.

Moments of brilliance from wyatt, Harrison,Elliot and Wayne found a free flowing KP ready to serve up a 3rd for the game with I sweetly tucked in reverse stick shot.
The young blooded players where not done, they wanted to get in on the action and create moment of brilliance for themselves, playing the ball like seasoned pro's, they weaved into the Letchworth D, will a ball supplied on a silver platter for Young Elliot F to slot home his first 3rd Xl goal.

Massive effort from all the lads today, intensity, passion and skill. All the makings for a very good season.

Final score 5-0.

Away fixtures

Ladies 1s vs Norwich Dragons 1 - 2-1 loss

Goal scorer: Willsy
Assist: Martha
Player of the match: Willsy & Tor
Donkey of the day: Darcy

Match report pending.

Ladies 3s vs Berko & Hemel 2 - 1-1 draw

Goal scorer: Laura
Player: Grace
Donkey: Tara

Travel – Rating: 1/5
Berkhamstead is too far to travel for a ladies 3s game…any driving on the M25 is too much for a hockey match of this level.
Pitch – Rating: 3/5
A lovely pitch, but spoilt by being high on a hill which means its always cold, and a little windy even on the nicest days. Plus the trek from the clubhouse to the pitch is about 2.5 miles…it’s a long way.
Hockey – Rating: 3/5
Not our best game of the season, however work rate was really high and we haven’t ever beaten BHHHC, so to come away with a point was very pleasing. The penalty stroke to secure our draw was fabulous and very well taken.
Quality of the press – Rating: 4/5
Despite the horlicks we made of it at training the press worked a treat (Matt and Josh would have been proud – our sole aim is to make these two happy this season.)
Half time sweets – Rating 2/5
Who purchases blue melon sweets for half time? No-one except our unhinged right back, who has the worst taste in sweets (and tattoos)
Teas – Rating: 5/5
Papa Johns Pizza – enough said!
Donkey Vote – Rating: 1/5
An absolute shamble, a total fix. Donkey should be awarded to Lauren Jordan’s Tattoos – if you haven’t seen them yet, they are a site to behold
Player of the match – Rating: 5/5
Grace…our hockey hero

Mens 1s vs Dereham 1 - 3-2 win

Goal scorers: Mitch, Josh & Sam
Assists: Stan, Matt & Sam
Player: Joe
Donkey: Toby

Off the back of 3 consecutive Losses the badgers took a trip to Dereham looking for their first win. They started well but not well enough as in the first 10 minutes they found themselves 1-0 down. However, Dereham’s lead was short lived after an exquisite run down the right hand side by Stanley Mason who beat multiple players putting it on a plate for Joshua Chapman who calmly converted from close range levelling the game. Following this the game was on a knife edge as both teams looked to take the lead before the end of the half. Dereham did making it 2-1.

Second half started and we won a flick thanks to Samuel Groves who deflected a short onto the defenders foot. Mitchell Champan scored the flick he also had a good game. With the game at Desmond both teams looked for the next goal knowing how important it would be. Joseph Wilkinson making some cracking saves to keep it level, well done Joe. 20 minutes from the end the badgers found themselves with a cheeky short corner with was converted well coming from Matthew Menear sliding the ball to the back post for Groves who actually scored the open goal this week. Broxbourne held out for the last 20 minutes with some quality defending and goalkeeping meaning they secured their first win of the season.

Upminster next week, which should be a laugh.

Ladies 5s vs WGC 3 - 7-1 loss

Goal scorer: Milly
Assist: Rachel BA
Player: Katie H & Rachel BA
Donkey: Hannah

This week’s game can be written with a few “W” words. Wet at Welwyn, without winning.

Welwyn started the match by dominating most of the play, we had been expecting mainly a young, inexperienced team but this was not the case. We were soon down a goal after what we thought was a foul on Hannah, however the umpire didn’t, and the ball passed Clare at waist level into the net. About 5 minutes later we conceded another.  Broxbourne then began to pass the ball round a bit better. We were trying Aaliyah in centre mid and she made some great advances up the pitch but Welwyn’s well organised defence mainly kept us out of the D. 4-0 down at halftime.

During the second half the game opened up and was more end to end. Katie and Rachel again making some great play in the midfield (earning them joint player votes) and we managed to put their keeper under some pressure. Maisie also helped out well in midfield when we needed.  When they did get shorts on goal Hannah made some good saves and Teagan saved off the goal line after a fantastic sprint across the circle. But even so we conceded 3 more goals. What we needed was a consolation goal…..  Rachel made a great run up the right, crossed the ball to Milly on the left post who slotted it neatly into the goal. Too late to make a difference to the result but it did put a smile on some faces and showed what we can do.

Donkey went to Hannah for putting her car keys and phone in the boot of her car having only unlocked the boot. Once this closed, she couldn’t unlock it!!

Sunday 13th October

Junior Tournaments

On Sunday the junior badgers took part in their first tournaments of the season, we had teams in the U8, U10, U12 and U16 age groups.

Lots of goals were scored and the juniors successfully put into practice some of the key skills we have been working on this season, moving to space, sending/passing accurately, carrying the ball at speed.

All of the teams had a really good time and the coaches reported back that the juniors worked hard, listened to feedback and made improvements over the course of the morning.

The next tournaments will be Sunday 3 November.

Coming up next weekend...

Saturday 19th October
Home fixtures

10am - Ladies 5s vs Saffron Walden 5
11.30am - Ladies 3s vs Cheshunt 1
1pm - Mens 1s vs Upminster 1
2.30pm - Ladies 1s vs Bishop's Stortford 1

Away fixtures
11.30am - Ladies 2s vs Blueharts 2
11.30am - Ladies 4s vs Harpenden 3
1pm - Mens 3s vs Royston 2
3pm - Mens 4s vs Saffron Walden 7
4.30pm - Mens 2s vs Bishop's Stortford 3

Further reading